Journal of Business and Management
(Published since 1993; available in EBSCO and ProQuest since 2002)
Please read the announcement below and click here to go to the original JBM website.
Extra ! Extra !. . .
The JMS submission system is temporarily closed !
The Journal Management System is being transferred to Indersicence's new submission system. All papers and their corresponding reviewers will be transferred togather before September 15 or sooner. However, the existing papers are being reviewed by the referees. The decision letters will be sent out by Sept. 15. If you want to submit a new paper, please wait until we announce the opening of the new submission system next week (see Thanks much for your patience !
Extra ! Extra ! . . . . . The JBM is going global !
The JBM is being transferred to a top-five world-class publisher in the U.K. --the Inderscience Publishers-- on Sept. 15, 2024 (see It will be a gold open access journal. All papers from the inaugural issue published in 1993 to Vol. 29, No. 2 will be available FREE on the new website. If the review process of any paper cannot be finished by this date, the paper and its reviewers will be transferred to the Indersicence website using their online review system (see Thus, we will try to complete the review process for all existing papers by Sept. 15 or as soon as possible.
Content on the JBM by the ICEB is licensed
(CC BY-NC 4.0)
International license