Journal of Business and Management
ISSN: 1535-668X

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Volume 13, Number 2, 2007
  1. Turmoil in Government Disclosure: An Investigation of Budget Disclosures in Australia unlock
    Tyrone M. Carlin and Nigel Finch
  2. Is Sustainable Competitive Advantage an Achievable Holy Grail: The Relevance Gap between Academia and Business unlock
    Chiquan Guo
  3. A Strong Inference Test of the Effects of Strategic Interdependence on the JV Control-Performance Relationship unlock
    Rebecca M. Guidice and John B. Cullen
  4. Image Norms: A Model of Formation and Operation unlock
    Amy E. Hurley-Hanson & Cristina M. Giannantonio
  5. Modeling Customer Equity: A Stochastic Modeling Approach for Arrival and Departure of Customers unlock
    Oded Lowengart & Rami Yosef


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COPYRIGHT BY Journal of Business and Management
Authorized by International Consotium for Electronic Business, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA
Published by College of Management, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan
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