Journal of Business and Management
Print ISSN: 1535-668X

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Volume 22, Number 1, March 2016

Special Issue:
  1. Autism in the Workplace: Assessing the Transition Needs of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder unlock
    Amy-Jane Griffiths, Cristina M. Giannantonio, Amy E. Hurley-Hanson, and Donald N. Cardinal
  2. Individualized Funding: How Disability Service Policy Can Assist in Maintaining Caregiver Employment unlock
    Hugh T. J. Bainbridge, Timothy. R. Broady, and Man Mandy Fong
  3. Researching Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Workplace: Lessons Learned from Researching the Relationship between Adult Attention Deficit Disorder and Organizational Behavior unlock
    Graeme H. Coetzer
  4. How Human Resource Management Can Best Support Employees with Autism: Future Directions for Research and Practice unlock
    Karen S. Markel and Brittany Elia
  5. Asperger's Syndrome and the Development of a Positive Work Identity unlock
    Cheryl K. McIntosh
  6. Autism at Work: Calvin's Journey of Living and Working with Autism unlock
    Jeffrey B. Paul, Mary Dana Laird, and Shiloh Tune
  7. Person-Organization Fit and Autism in the Workplace unlock
    Sacha Pencene and Daniel J. Svyantek
  8. Working Toward Neurodiversity: How Organizations and Leaders Can Accommodate for Autism Spectrum Disorder unlock
    Stephanie R. Seitz and Sara A. Smith


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COPYRIGHT BY Journal of Business and Management
Authorized by International Consotium for Electronic Business, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA
Published by College of Management, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan
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