Journal of Business and Management
ISSN: 1535-668X

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JBM JBM books

Volume 26, Number 2, September 2020

Full journal book: Vol. 26, No. 2 (92 pages) unlock

Table of Contents

Editorial unlock
Eldon Y. Li, Wei-Hsi (Frank) Hung


Social Media Adoption and National Culture: The Dominant and Nuanced Effect of Individualism-Collectivism unlock

Rodney L. Stump, Wen Gong
DOI: 10.6347/JBM.202009_26(2).0001


Impact of Neuromarketing Applications on Consumer unlock

Surabhi Singh
DOI: 10.6347/JBM.202009_26(2).0002


Growing Pains: Success Strategies for Rural Entrepreneurs to Grow beyond Their Limited Local Markets unlock

David D. Snow
DOI: 10.6347/JBM.202009_26(2).0003


Macroeconomic Determinants of FDI Decisions in the Automotive Industry: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Evidence unlock

Helmut Birnleitner
DOI: 10.6347/JBM.202009_26(2).0004


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COPYRIGHT BY Journal of Business and Management
Authorized by International Consotium for Electronic Business, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA
Published by College of Management, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan
Tel:+886-9-16733800 | E-mail: [email protected]