Journal of Business and Management
Print ISSN: 1535-668X

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Format of Response Statement

Please use the following format to prepare the response statement:

Round of Review: (Enter only once 1st-round, or 2nd-round, or so forth)

Reviewer ID#1: (Enter the first Reviewer ID Number and so forth)
Reviewer Recommendation: (Enter Major Revisions, Minor Revisions, or Accepted by Reviewer/Editor)

Comment #1: (Quote the first comment of the reviewer and so forth)

Response: (State your reply to this comment; justify your reply if you do not agree with the comment)

Action: (State how you revise your paper according to your reply)

Please kindly use the TRACK CHANGES feature of MS-Word to make your revisions. When you delete or add text, the TRACK CHANGES will maintain your changes in color so we can identify where you have made the corrections.

Click here for Sample Response Statement


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Content on the JBM by the ICEB is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) International license

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Copyrighted and Published by Inderscience Enterprise Ltd. Publishers
Edited by College of Management, National Chung Cheng University